Movies like The St Francisville Experiment to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Thriller movie The St Francisville Experiment with Madison Charap, Paul James Palmer, Ryan Larson & Troy Taylor & created by Ted Nicolaou?
Movies like The St Francisville Experiment with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The St Francisville Experiment?
Four young people spend a night in a haunted mansion.
Its release date is Saturday April 15, 2000
Its release date is Saturday April 15, 2000
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Exorcism, Plantation, Social Satire, Suspense & Upper Class |
Genre | Horror & Thriller |
Country | The United States |
Director | Ted Nicolaou |
Starring | Madison Charap, Paul James Palmer, Ryan Larson & Troy Taylor |
Place | Louisiana |
Location | Louisiana |
Written by | N/A |
Cinematography | Tim Baldini |
Runtime | 79 min |
Other Horror movies by Ted Nicolaou
The Dungeonmaster | Aug 24th, 1984
4.1/10 | By Charles Band, David Allen, John Carl Buechler, Peter Manoogian, Rosemarie Turko, Steven Ford & Ted Nicolaou
The United States | Fantasy, Horror & Thriller
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Other Horror movies written by N/A
There It Is | Jan 1st, 1928
7.1/10 | By Charles R. Bowers & Harold L. Muller
The United States | Animation, Comedy & Horror
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