Movies like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie The Texas Chainsaw Massacre with Erica Leerhsen, Jessica Biel, Jonathan Tucker & Mike Vogel & created by Marcus Nispel?

Movies like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre?

After picking up a traumatized young hitchhiker, five friends find themselves stalked and hunted by a deformed chainsaw-wielding killer and his family of equally psychopathic killers.

TAGLINE: "What you know about fear... doesn't even come close."

Its release date is Wednesday May 21, 2003

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Blood, Cannibalism Fiction, Friends, Gore, Hitchhiker, Murder, Psychopath, Stalker, Suicide & Trauma
Genre Horror
Country The United States
Director Marcus Nispel
Starring Erica Leerhsen, Jessica Biel, Jonathan Tucker & Mike Vogel
Place Texas
Time 1973
Location Texas
Written by Kim Henkel, Scott Kosar (screenplay) & Tobe Hooper
Cinematography Daniel Pearl (cinematographer)
Music Steve Jablonsky
Runtime 98 min

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