Movies like The Trial of Billy Jack to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Drama movie The Trial of Billy Jack with Delores Taylor, Teresa Kelly, Tom Laughlin & Victor Izay & created by Tom Laughlin & Tom Laughlin (actor)?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Trial of Billy Jack?

After Billy Jack in sentenced to four years in prison for the "involuntary manslaughter" of the first film, the Freedom School expands and flourishes under the guidance of Jean Roberts. The...
Its release date is Wednesday November 13, 1974

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Native Americans
Genre Action & Drama
Director Tom Laughlin & Tom Laughlin (actor)
Starring Delores Taylor, Teresa Kelly, Tom Laughlin & Victor Izay
Place Arizona
Location Arizona & Utah
Written by Delores Taylor (screenplay) & Tom Laughlin (screenplay)
Cinematography Jack A. Marta
Music Elmer Bernstein
Runtime 170 min

Other Action movies by Tom Laughlin

The Born Losers | Aug 18th, 1967

The Born Losers
6.1/10 | By Tom Laughlin
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No streaming sources available just yet

Billy Jack | Aug 2nd, 1971

Billy Jack
6.2/10 | By Tom Laughlin
The United States | Action, Adventure & Drama
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video Starz

Other Action movies written by Delores Taylor (screenplay)

Billy Jack | Aug 2nd, 1971

Billy Jack
6.2/10 | By Tom Laughlin
The United States | Action, Adventure & Drama
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video Starz