Movies like The Underneath to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime & Thriller movie The Underneath with Adam Trese, Alison Elliott, Peter Gallagher & William Fichtner & created by Steven Soderbergh?

Movies like The Underneath with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Underneath?

A recovering gambling addict attempts to reconcile with his family and friends but finds trouble and temptation when caught between feelings for his ex-wife and her dangerous hoodlum boyfriend.

TAGLINE: "For passion, betrayal and murder... there's still no place like home."

Its release date is Friday April 28, 1995

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic City, Independent Film & Noir
Genre Crime & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Steven Soderbergh
Starring Adam Trese, Alison Elliott, Peter Gallagher & William Fichtner
Location Austin & Texas
Written by Daniel Fuchs (screenplay), Don Tracy (novel) & Steven Soderbergh (screenplay)
Cinematography Elliot Davis (cinematographer)
Music Cliff Martinez
Runtime 99 min

Other Crime movies by Steven Soderbergh

Ocean’s Eleven | Dec 7th, 2001

Ocean’s Eleven
7.8/10 | By Steven Soderbergh
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Ocean’s Twelve | Dec 9th, 2004

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6.5/10 | By Steven Soderbergh
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The Limey | May 15th, 1999

The Limey
7.1/10 | By Steven Soderbergh
The United States | Action, Crime & Drama
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Other Crime movies written by Daniel Fuchs (screenplay)

Criss Cross | Jan 12th, 1949

Criss Cross
7.6/10 | By Robert Siodmak
The United States | Crime & Drama
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The Gangster | Nov 25th, 1947

The Gangster
6.6/10 | By Gordon Wiles & Ridley Scott
The United States | Crime