Movies like The Way of the Dragon to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Crime movie The Way of the Dragon with Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Nora Miao & Wei Pin-ao & created by Bruce Lee?

Movies like The Way of the Dragon with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Way of the Dragon?

A man visits his relatives at their restaurant in Italy and has to help them defend against brutal gangsters harassing them.

TAGLINE: "The Colosseum . . the battleground of Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris."

Its release date is Thursday June 1, 1972

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Chinese Mafia, Gangster, Hong Kong, Hoodlum, Kung Fu, Restaurant & Rome
Genre Action & Crime
Country Hong Kong
Director Bruce Lee
Starring Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Nora Miao & Wei Pin-ao
Place Italy & Rome
Written by Bruce Lee (screenplay)
Cinematography Tadashi Nishimoto
Music Joseph Koo
Runtime 90 min

Other Action movies by Bruce Lee

Game of Death | Mar 23rd, 1978

Game of Death
6.1/10 | By Bruce Lee, Giorgio Serafini & Robert Clouse
Hong Kong & The United States | Action, Drama & Thriller
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