Watch The Big Boss online

Can you stream the Action movie The Big Boss, directed by Chia-Hsiang Wu, Lo Wei & Wei Lo & starring Bruce Lee, James Tien, Maria Yi & Marilyn Bautista on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Big Boss

A young man sworn to an oath of non-violence works with his cousins in an ice factory where they mysteriously begin to disappear.

TAGLINE: "Every Limb Of His Body Is A Lethal Weapon!!!"

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Its release date is Saturday October 2, 1971

Production details

Director Chia-Hsiang Wu, Lo Wei & Wei Lo
Cast Bruce Lee, James Tien, Maria Yi & Marilyn Bautista
Genre Action
Country of origin Hong Kong
Release date 1971-10-02
Theme Illegal Drug Trade & Martial arts
Place setting Thailand
Location Thailand
Script Wei Lo (screenplay)
Cinematography Chan Ching kui
Music Wang Fu ling
Costs $100,000
Runtime 99 min
