Movies like The Woman in the Window to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Mystery & Thriller movie The Woman in the Window with Edmund Breon, Edward G. Robinson, Joan Bennett & Raymond Massey & created by Fritz Lang?

Movies like The Woman in the Window with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Woman in the Window?

A conservative middle aged professor engages in a relationship with a femme fatale, he's plunged into a nightmarish world of blackmail and murder.

TAGLINE: "It was the look in her eyes that made him think of murder."

Its release date is Wednesday October 25, 1944

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Barbed Wire, College, Dream, Dreams, Noir, Painting, Professor, Scissors & Window
Genre Drama, Mystery & Thriller
Country United States of America
Director Fritz Lang
Starring Edmund Breon, Edward G. Robinson, Joan Bennett & Raymond Massey
Place New York (state)
Written by J.H. Wallis & Nunnally Johnson
Runtime 107 min

Other Drama movies by Fritz Lang

Metropolis | Jan 10th, 1927

8.3/10 | By Fritz Lang
Germany | Drama & Science Fiction
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M | May 11th, 1931

8.4/10 | By Fritz Lang
Germany | Action, Drama & Thriller
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Scarlet Street | Dec 28th, 1945

Scarlet Street
7.9/10 | By Fritz Lang
The United States | Drama
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