Movies like The Woman in the Window to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Mystery movie The Woman in the Window with Amy Adams, Anthony Mackie, Gary Oldman & Julianne Moore & created by Joe Wright?

Movies like The Woman in the Window with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Woman in the Window?

An agoraphobic woman living alone in New York begins spying on her new neighbors, only to witness a disturbing act of violence.

TAGLINE: "She has nothing to prove but what's real."

Its release date is Friday May 14, 2021

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Agoraphobia, Agoraphobia Fiction, Based On Novel Or Book, Murder, Neighbor & New York City
Genre Crime, Drama & Mystery
Country United States of America
Director Joe Wright
Starring Amy Adams, Anthony Mackie, Gary Oldman & Julianne Moore
Place New York City
Location New York City
Written by A.J. Finn (novel) & Tracy Letts
Runtime 100 min