Movies like Thiraipada Nagaram to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Thiraipada Nagaram with Muthu, Priya & Thambi Ramaiah?

Movies like Thiraipada Nagaram with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Thiraipada Nagaram?

Muthu,Senthil,Asim,Munna,Thenali and Kumar are six friends who aspire to become a director, cinematographer, music director, lyricist, hero and comedian. They are tenants at Devadharshini's place and they hunt for opportunities. Opportunity keeps evading them and they are often tricked by money racketing fake production houses. After many such dejections they get a chance to make a movie through a Production Manager (Thambi Ramayya). Whether they make use of the opportunity and make a movie and realise their dreams is 'Thiraipada Nagaram'.
Its release date is Thursday October 22, 2015

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Starring Muthu, Priya & Thambi Ramaiah