Movies like Three Men and a Little Lady to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Family movie Three Men and a Little Lady with Nancy Travis, Steve Guttenberg, Ted Danson & Tom Selleck & created by Emile Ardolino?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Three Men and a Little Lady?
Sylvia's work increasingly takes her away from the three men who help bring up Mary, her daughter. When she decides to move to England and take Mary with her, the three men are heartbroken ...
Its release date is Wednesday November 21, 1990
Its release date is Wednesday November 21, 1990
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Daughter, London England, Marriage Proposal & Weddings |
Genre | Comedy & Family |
Country | The United States |
Director | Emile Ardolino |
Starring | Nancy Travis, Steve Guttenberg, Ted Danson & Tom Selleck |
Place | London & New York City |
Location | Berkshire, New York City, Oxfordshire & Warwickshire |
Written by | Charlie Peters (screenplay), Coline Serreau (screenplay "Trois Hommes et un Couffin"), Josann McGibbon (story) & Sara Parriott (story) |
Cinematography | Adam Greenberg (cinematographer) |
Music | James Newton Howard |
Runtime | 104 min |