Movies like Thursday to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Crime & Drama movie Thursday with Aaron Eckhart, James Le Gros, Paula Marshall & Thomas Jane & created by Skip Woods?

Movies like Thursday with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Thursday?

The movie opens in a Los Angeles convenience store one late Monday night, where a smalltime drug dealer named Nick (Aaron Eckhart) is trying to decide what coffee brand to buy. His ex-lover...

TAGLINE: "They say the past always catches up with you. This could be the day."

Its release date is Friday September 25, 1998

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Drug Dealer & Marijuana
Genre Action, Crime & Drama
Country The United States
Director Skip Woods
Starring Aaron Eckhart, James Le Gros, Paula Marshall & Thomas Jane
Written by Skip Woods
Cinematography Denis Lenoir
Music Luna (1990s American band)
Runtime 87 min

Other Action movies written by Skip Woods

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