Movies like Tic Tac to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Thriller movie Tic Tac with Jacob Nordenson, Oliver Loftéen, Tintin Anderzon & Tuva Novotny & created by Daniel Alfredson?

Movies like Tic Tac with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Tic Tac?

In a single night the paths of a random few are to cross which inevitably will seal their respective destinies. By dawn the city of Stockholm, though seemingly unchanged, to some is all very different - if they live to see it.
Its release date is Friday October 31, 1997

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Multiple Storylines
Genre Drama & Thriller
Country Sweden
Director Daniel Alfredson
Starring Jacob Nordenson, Oliver Loftéen, Tintin Anderzon & Tuva Novotny
Written by Hans Renhäll
Cinematography Peter Mokrosinski
Music Fleshquartet
Runtime 96 min

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