Movies like Tikkun to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Tikkun with Aharon Traitel, Gur Sheinberg, Khalifa Natour & Riki Blich & created by Avishai Sivan?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Tikkun?

An ultra-orthodox scholar is revived after dying for 40 minutes. After coming back to life, he suddenly feels a strange awakening in his body and suspects that God is testing him.
Its release date is Friday July 10, 2015

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Dream, Fasting, Israel, Jerusalem, Nightmare, Nudity, Orthodox, parent child relationship, Resurrection & Sexual Frustration
Genre Drama
Country Israel
Director Avishai Sivan
Starring Aharon Traitel, Gur Sheinberg, Khalifa Natour & Riki Blich
Written by Avishai Sivan
Runtime 119 min