Movies like Tim to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Tim with Alwyn Kurts, Mel Gibson, Pat Evison & Piper Laurie & created by Michael Pate?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Tim?

A somewhat mentally handicapped 20-year-old man works as a laborer, but everyone abuses his naiveté. A nice 40-year-old American woman hires him one day and they become close. However, the town and his family see her as predatory.

TAGLINE: "A Heartrending Story of Courage and Devotion"

Its release date is Friday July 13, 1979

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Novel Or Book, Family Relationships, Mental Disability, Mentally Challenged & Older Woman Younger Man Relationship
Genre Drama & Romance
Country Australia
Director Michael Pate
Starring Alwyn Kurts, Mel Gibson, Pat Evison & Piper Laurie
Written by Colleen McCullough (novel) & Michael Pate
Runtime 109 min