Movies like To and From New York to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie To and From New York with Barbara King, Lyudmila Polupanova, Shaana Diya & Yoriko Haraguchi & created by Sorin Dan Mihalcescu?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of To and From New York?

While covering a story in New York City, a Seattle-based reporter (Barbara King) uncovers a link between two missing women that changes her lead entirely. Now, with her editor breathing ...
Its release date is Saturday August 12, 2006

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Topic Songs New York City
Country The United States
Director Sorin Dan Mihalcescu
Starring Barbara King, Lyudmila Polupanova, Shaana Diya & Yoriko Haraguchi
Written by Raluca Pencu & Sorin Dan Mihalcescu
Runtime 82 min