Movies like Tour Without End to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Tour Without End with Kathleen Hanna?

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TOUR WITHOUT END (Twenty-One Portraits and a Protest) stars the legendary Wooster Group founder Kate Valk and Jim Fletcher (The NYC Players), and includes musicians Kathleen Hanna, Lizzie Bougatsos (Gang Gang Dance), Brontez Purnell (The Younger Lovers), and the poet Eileen Myles along with many other queer and feminist icons. Shot in real environments and situations, the core group of players improvise based on semi-scripted scenes. Because many of these performers are legendary in the downtown scene in NYC, they are archetypes playing archetypes. As the players move in and out of fictionalized characters and real life -- the film moves in and out of non-linear narrative and historical document.
Its release date is Wednesday May 9, 2018

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Starring Kathleen Hanna