Movies like Transit to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Crime, Drama & Thriller movie Transit with Diora Baird, Elisabeth Röhm, James Frain & Jim Caviezel & created by Antonio Negret?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Transit?
A gang of bank robbers hide their loot in the car of a family going camping. They chase down the family to kill them and get the loot back, but run into a fight.
Its release date is Monday January 2, 2012
A gang of bank robbers hide their loot in the car of a family going camping. They chase down the family to kill them and get the loot back, but run into a fight.
TAGLINE: "This is not a perfect getaway."
Its release date is Monday January 2, 2012
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Car Chase, Crime & Heists & Bank Robbery |
Genre | Action, Crime, Drama & Thriller |
Country | The United States |
Director | Antonio Negret |
Starring | Diora Baird, Elisabeth Röhm, James Frain & Jim Caviezel |
Written by | Michael Gilvary |
Cinematography | Yaron Levy |
Music | Christopher Westlake |
Runtime | 88 min |