Movies like Trick to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie Trick with Brad Beyer, Christian Campbell, John Paul Pitoc & Tori Spelling & created by Jim Fall?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Trick?

The misadventures of two young gay men, trying to find a place to be alone, one night in Manhattan.

TAGLINE: "A story about two guys trying to make it in the big city"

Its release date is Friday July 23, 1999

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Drag Queen, Gay, Gay Relationship, Independent Film, New York City, One-night Stand, Screenwriter & Stripper
Genre Comedy & Romance
Country The United States
Director Jim Fall
Starring Brad Beyer, Christian Campbell, John Paul Pitoc & Tori Spelling
Place New York (state)
Location New York (state)
Written by Jason Schafer
Cinematography Terry Stacey
Music David Friedman (composer)
Runtime 89 min

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Lizzie Mcguire
5.4/10 | By Jim Fall
The United States | Adventure, Comedy & Family
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Wedding Wars | Dec 11th, 2006

Wedding Wars
6.0/10 | By Jim Fall
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