Movies like Trinity is Still My Name to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Western movie Trinity is Still My Name with Bud Spencer, Enzo Tarascio, Terence Hill & Yanti Somer & created by Enzo Barboni?

Movies like Trinity is Still My Name with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Trinity is Still My Name?

Bambino tries to teach his brother Trinity how to become an outlaw, but the two wind up saving a pioneer family and breaking up an arms ring instead.

TAGLINE: "Trinity's back in the saddle again and still horsing around"

Its release date is Thursday October 21, 1971

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Brother, Cowboy, Gunslinger, Hold-up Robbery, Mistaken Identity, Sibling Relationship & Spaghetti Western
Genre Comedy & Western
Country Italy
Director Enzo Barboni
Starring Bud Spencer, Enzo Tarascio, Terence Hill & Yanti Somer
Written by Enzo Barboni
Cinematography Aldo Giordani
Music Guido & Maurizio De Angelis
Runtime 117 min

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7.2/10 | By Enzo Barboni
Italy | Action, Adventure & Comedy
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