Movies like Troll 2 to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Troll 2 with Connie Young, George Hardy, Margo Prey & Michael Stephenson & created by Claudio Fragasso?

Movies like Troll 2 with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Troll 2?

A family vacationing in a small town discovers the entire town is inhabited by goblins in disguise as humans, who plan to eat them.

TAGLINE: "The original boogeyman is back."

Its release date is Friday October 12, 1990

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Cult, Dance Performance, Hallucination, Monster, Poison, Seduction, Small town, Trolls, Witch & Witchcraft
Genre Horror
Country The United States
Director Claudio Fragasso
Starring Connie Young, George Hardy, Margo Prey & Michael Stephenson
Place San Francisco
Written by Claudio Fragasso (screenplay), Claudio Fragasso (story) & Rossella Drudi (screenplay)
Cinematography Romano Albani
Music Richard Band
Runtime 95 min

Other Horror movies by Claudio Fragasso

Night of the Zombies | Nov 17th, 1980

Night of the Zombies
4.9/10 | By Bruno Mattei, Burr Steers & Claudio Fragasso
Italy & Spain | Horror
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video Microsoft iTunes Fandor

After Death | Jun 21st, 1989

After Death
3.7/10 | By Claudio Fragasso
Italy | Horror
No streaming sources available just yet

Rats: Night of Terror | Aug 3rd, 1984

Rats: Night of Terror
4.5/10 | By Bruno Mattei & Claudio Fragasso
France & Italy | Horror & Science Fiction
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video iTunes

Other Horror movies written by Claudio Fragasso (screenplay)

Rats: Night of Terror | Aug 3rd, 1984

Rats: Night of Terror
4.5/10 | By Bruno Mattei & Claudio Fragasso
France & Italy | Horror & Science Fiction
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video iTunes

Zombi 3 | Jul 29th, 1988

Zombi 3
4.9/10 | By Bruno Mattei, Claudio Fragasso & Lucio Fulci
Italy | Action, Horror & Science Fiction
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube