Movies like Trucks to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Trucks with Aidan Devine, Brenda Bakke, Roman Podhora & Timothy Busfield & created by Chris Thomson?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Trucks?
Aliens arrive, parking in a geostationary orbit over Nevada. Using powers unknown to us, they declare war, and use unmanned trucks as weapons.
Its release date is Wednesday January 1, 1997
Its release date is Wednesday January 1, 1997
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Man Vs Machine & Truck |
Genre | Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller |
Country | Canada |
Director | Chris Thomson |
Starring | Aidan Devine, Brenda Bakke, Roman Podhora & Timothy Busfield |
Location | Winnipeg |
Written by | Brian Taggert (teleplay) & Stephen King (short story) |
Runtime | 95 min |