Movies like Truth to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Truth with Cate Blanchett, Elisabeth Moss, Robert Redford & Topher Grace & created by James Vanderbilt?
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Newsroom drama detailing the 2004 CBS 60 Minutes report investigating then-President George W. Bush's military service, and the subsequent firestorm of criticism that cost anchor Dan Rather and producer Mary Mapes their careers.
Its release date is Saturday September 12, 2015
Its release date is Saturday September 12, 2015
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Biographical Journalists, Biography, George W. Bush, Journalism, Political Scandal, Presidential Election, Television & Tv Reporter |
Genre | Drama |
Country | Australia & The United States |
Director | James Vanderbilt |
Starring | Cate Blanchett, Elisabeth Moss, Robert Redford & Topher Grace |
Time | 2000s, 2004 & 2005 |
Location | Sydney |
Written by | James Vanderbilt (screenplay) & Mary Mapes (book) |
Cinematography | Mandy Walker |
Music | Brian Tyler (composer) |
Runtime | 125 min |