Movies like Tusks to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Drama & Thriller movie Tusks with Andrew Stevens, John Rhys-Davies & Lucy Gutteridge & created by Tara Moore?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Tusks?

An unhinged poacher who makes his living off the ivory trade is challenged by a game warden, who happens to be his former old friend, and a female animal conservationist. The poacher snaps and decides to kill them both.
Its release date is Friday January 1, 1988

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Genre Adventure, Drama & Thriller
Director Tara Moore
Starring Andrew Stevens, John Rhys-Davies & Lucy Gutteridge
Place Africa & Deserts
Location Namibia & Zimbabwe
Written by John Rhys-Davies, Tara Moore & Tara Moore (original story)
Runtime 100 min