Movies like Tusks to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Drama & Thriller movie Tusks with Andrew Stevens, John Rhys-Davies & Lucy Gutteridge & created by Tara Moore?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Tusks?
An unhinged poacher who makes his living off the ivory trade is challenged by a game warden, who happens to be his former old friend, and a female animal conservationist. The poacher snaps and decides to kill them both.
Its release date is Friday January 1, 1988
Its release date is Friday January 1, 1988
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Adventure, Drama & Thriller |
Director | Tara Moore |
Starring | Andrew Stevens, John Rhys-Davies & Lucy Gutteridge |
Place | Africa & Deserts |
Location | Namibia & Zimbabwe |
Written by | John Rhys-Davies, Tara Moore & Tara Moore (original story) |
Runtime | 100 min |