Movies like Two Weeks Notice to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie Two Weeks Notice with Alicia Witt, Dana Ivey, Hugh Grant & Sandra Bullock & created by Marc Lawrence?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Two Weeks Notice?
A lawyer decides that she's used too much like a nanny by her boss, so she walks out on him.
Its release date is Thursday December 19, 2002
A lawyer decides that she's used too much like a nanny by her boss, so she walks out on him.
TAGLINE: "Over. Done. Finished. A comedy about love at last glance."
Its release date is Thursday December 19, 2002
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Billionaire, Bosses, Environmental Law, Lawyer, New York, Romantic Comedy, Work & Workplace |
Genre | Comedy & Romance |
Country | Australia & The United States |
Director | Marc Lawrence |
Starring | Alicia Witt, Dana Ivey, Hugh Grant & Sandra Bullock |
Place | New York City |
Location | New Jersey & New York (state) |
Written by | Marc Lawrence |
Cinematography | László Kovács (cinematographer) |
Music | John Powell (composer) |
Runtime | 101 min |