Movies like Universal Soldier to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Universal Soldier with Ally Walker, Dolph Lundgren, Ed O'Ross & Jean-Claude Van Damme & created by Roland Emmerich?

Movies like Universal Soldier with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Universal Soldier?

Private Luc Deveraux and his sadistic sergeant, Andrew Scott, got killed in Vietnam. The army uses their bodies for a secret project - reanimating dead soldiers as deadly obedient cyborgs. However, their memories come back too.

TAGLINE: "The future has a bad attitude."

Its release date is Friday July 10, 1992

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Barrage, Reporter, Revitalization, Soldier & Vietnam
Genre Action, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Roland Emmerich
Starring Ally Walker, Dolph Lundgren, Ed O'Ross & Jean-Claude Van Damme
Place Arizona, Louisiana, Nevada & Vietnam
Location Arizona & Nevada
Written by Christopher Leitch (story), Dean Devlin (screenplay) & Richard Rothstein (story)
Cinematography Karl Walter Lindenlaub
Music Christopher Franke
Runtime 102 min

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Godzilla | May 20th, 1998

5.3/10 | By Roland Emmerich
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The Day After Tomorrow | May 26th, 2004

The Day After Tomorrow
6.4/10 | By Roland Emmerich
The United States | Action, Adventure & Science Fiction
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