Movies like Vampyr to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Fantasy & Horror movie Vampyr with Julian West, Maurice Schutz, Rena Mandel & Sybille Schmitz & created by Carl Theodor Dreyer?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Vampyr?

A drifter obsessed with the supernatural stumbles upon an inn where a severely ill adolescent girl is slowly becoming a vampire.
Its release date is Friday May 6, 1932

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Topic Anemia, Based On Novel Or Book, Black And White, Castle, Dream, Gothic Horror, Inn, Vampire & Vampires
Genre Fantasy & Horror
Country Germany
Director Carl Theodor Dreyer
Starring Julian West, Maurice Schutz, Rena Mandel & Sybille Schmitz
Place France
Written by Carl Theodor Dreyer (screenplay), Christen Jul (screenplay) & Sheridan Le Fanu (based on a book by)
Runtime 75 min