Movies like Velvet Goldmine to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Music movie Velvet Goldmine with Christian Bale, Ewan McGregor, Janet McTeer & Jonathan Rhys Meyers & created by Todd Haynes?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Velvet Goldmine?

In 1984, British journalist Arthur Stuart investigates the career of 1970s glam superstar Brian Slade, who was heavily influenced in his early years by hard-living and rebellious American singer Curt Wild.

TAGLINE: "Style matters. Even when it comes to murder."

Its release date is Friday October 23, 1998

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Bisexual, Gay, Glam Rock, Great Britain, Imaginary Band, Incest, Music Journalism, music musicians, Narration & School Uniform
Genre Drama & Music
Country United Kingdom
Director Todd Haynes
Starring Christian Bale, Ewan McGregor, Janet McTeer & Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Time 1970s
Written by James Lyons (story), Todd Haynes & Todd Haynes (story)
Cinematography Maryse Alberti
Music Carter Burwell
Runtime 118 min

Other Drama movies by Todd Haynes

Heaven | Feb 6th, 2002

7.4/10 | By Ridley Scott, Todd Haynes & Tom Tykwer
Germany & United Kingdom | Drama, Romance & Thriller
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Poison | Apr 5th, 1991

6.4/10 | By Todd Haynes
United States of America | Drama, Horror & Science Fiction
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I’m Not There. | Oct 1st, 2007

I’m Not There.
7.0/10 | By Todd Haynes
The United States | Drama & Music
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