Movies like Violette to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Thriller movie Violette with Isabelle Huppert, Jean Carmet, Jean-François Garreaud & Stéphane Audran & created by Claude Chabrol & Martin Provost?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Violette?
In an interwar France struggling with profound social and political change, 18-year-old Violette Noziere rebels against the constraints of her claustrophobic, working-class (and possibly incestuous) family, with troubling consequences.
Its release date is Wednesday May 24, 1978
Its release date is Wednesday May 24, 1978
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Biographical Writers, Father Murder, Giftmord, Illegal Prostitution, Petty Bourgeois & Syphillis |
Genre | Crime, Drama & Thriller |
Country | France |
Director | Claude Chabrol & Martin Provost |
Starring | Isabelle Huppert, Jean Carmet, Jean-François Garreaud & Stéphane Audran |
Place | Paris |
Time | 1930s |
Location | Paris |
Written by | Frédéric Grendel (scenario), Hervé Bromberger (scenario), Jean-Marie Fitère (based on the book by), Odile Barski (adaptation) & Odile Barski (scenario) |
Cinematography | Jean Rabier & Yves Cape |
Music | Hugues Tabar Nouval & Pierre Jansen |
Runtime | 124 min |