Movies like Wasabi to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Comedy & Drama movie Wasabi with Carole Bouquet, Jean Reno, Michel Muller & Ryoko Hirosue & created by Gérard Krawczyk?

Movies like Wasabi with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Wasabi?

Hubert is a French policeman with very sharp methods. After being forced to take 2 months off by his boss, who doesn't share his view on working methods, he goes back to Japan, where he ...

TAGLINE: "For those who take their action raw."

Its release date is Wednesday October 31, 2001

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Brutal Cop, Golf Club, Handcuffs, Hitman, Japanese Mafia, Love Letter & Police Operation
Genre Action, Comedy & Drama
Country France & Japan
Director Gérard Krawczyk
Starring Carole Bouquet, Jean Reno, Michel Muller & Ryoko Hirosue
Place Paris & Tokyo
Location Paris & Tokyo
Written by Luc Besson
Cinematography Gerard Stérin
Music Julien Schultheis
Runtime 94 min

Other Action movies by Gérard Krawczyk

Taxi 2 | Mar 24th, 2000

Taxi 2
6.5/10 | By Gérard Krawczyk
France | Action, Comedy & Crime
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Taxi 4 | Feb 10th, 2007

Taxi 4
5.6/10 | By Gérard Krawczyk
France | Action & Comedy
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Taxi 3 | Jan 29th, 2003

Taxi 3
5.8/10 | By Gérard Krawczyk
France | Action & Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet

Other Action movies written by Luc Besson

Transporter 2 | Aug 2nd, 2005

Transporter 2
6.3/10 | By Louis Leterrier
France | Action, Crime & Thriller
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz

Transporter 3 | Nov 26th, 2008

Transporter 3
6.1/10 | By Olivier Megaton
France & United Kingdom | Action, Adventure & Thriller
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Showtime