Movies like Wendy to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Fantasy movie Wendy with Devin France, Gage Naquin, Shay Walker & Tommie Lynn Milazzo & created by Benh Zeitlin?
Movies like Wendy with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Wendy?
A young girl is taken to a destructive ecosystem where she befriends a young boy and discovers a mystical pollen that allows them to break the relationship between aging and time.
Its release date is Friday February 28, 2020
Its release date is Friday February 28, 2020
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Drama & Fantasy |
Country | United States of America |
Director | Benh Zeitlin |
Starring | Devin France, Gage Naquin, Shay Walker & Tommie Lynn Milazzo |
Written by | Benh Zeitlin |
Runtime | N/A |
Other Drama movies by Benh Zeitlin
Beasts of the Southern Wild | Jun 29th, 2012
7.3/10 | By Benh Zeitlin
United States of America | Drama
Other Drama movies written by Benh Zeitlin
Beasts of the Southern Wild | Jun 29th, 2012
7.3/10 | By Benh Zeitlin
United States of America | Drama