Movies like Werewolf to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Werewolf with Adrianna Miles, Federico Cavalli, Jorge Rivero & Richard Lynch & created by Ashley McKenzie (director) & Tony Zarindast?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Werewolf?

Unscrupulous archaeologists try to take advantage of an outbreak of lycanthropy prompted by the discovery of a werewolf skeleton in the Arizona desert.


Its release date is Sunday January 1, 1995

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Archaeologist, Arizona, Death & Grieving, Heroin Addiction, Native American, Skeleton, Vacationing, Werewolf & Werewolves Fiction
Genre Horror
Director Ashley McKenzie (director) & Tony Zarindast
Starring Adrianna Miles, Federico Cavalli, Jorge Rivero & Richard Lynch
Place London, Nova Scotia & Yorkshire
Location London, Nova Scotia, Surrey & Wales
Written by Brad Hornbacher & Tony Zarindast
Cinematography Robert Paynter & Scott Moore
Music Elmer Bernstein & Youth Haunts
Runtime 99 min