Movies like What Happens in Vegas to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie What Happens in Vegas with Ashton Kutcher, Cameron Diaz, Lake Bell & Queen Latifah & created by Tom Vaughan?

Movies like What Happens in Vegas with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of What Happens in Vegas?

A man and a woman are compelled, for legal reasons, to live life as a couple for a limited period of time. At stake is a large amount of money.

TAGLINE: "Get Lucky"

Its release date is Wednesday May 7, 2008

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Casino, Fictitious Marriage, Hotel, Las Vegas, Marriage, Party, Poker & Gambling, Rivalry, Romantic Comedy, Roommate, Usa & Weddings
Genre Comedy & Romance
Country The United States
Director Tom Vaughan
Starring Ashton Kutcher, Cameron Diaz, Lake Bell & Queen Latifah
Place Las Vegas Valley & New York City
Location Las Vegas Valley & New York City
Written by Dana Fox
Cinematography Matthew F. Leonetti
Music Christophe Beck
Runtime 99 min

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