Movies like White Bird in a Blizzard to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Thriller movie White Bird in a Blizzard with Christopher Meloni, Eva Green, Shailene Woodley & Shiloh Fernandez & created by Gregg Araki?

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In 1988, a teenage girl's life is thrown into chaos when her mother disappears.

TAGLINE: "I was 17 when my mother disappeared..."

Its release date is Thursday August 14, 2014

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Book, based on novel, Disappearance, Disappearances, Dysfunctional Families, Missing People, Missing Person, Mother and Daughter, Mystery, Sex, Sexuality & Teenage Sexuality
Genre Drama & Thriller
Country France & The United States
Director Gregg Araki
Starring Christopher Meloni, Eva Green, Shailene Woodley & Shiloh Fernandez
Time 1988 & 1991
Written by Gregg Araki (screenplay by) & Laura Kasischke (based on the novel by)
Cinematography Sandra Valde Hansen
Music Robin Guthrie
Runtime 91 min

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