Movies like Wild Things to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Mystery & Thriller movie Wild Things with Denise Richards, Kevin Bacon, Matt Dillon & Neve Campbell & created by John McNaughton?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Wild Things?

A police detective uncovers a conspiracy behind a case involving a high-school guidance counselor when accusations of rape are made against him by two female students.

TAGLINE: "They're dying to play with you."

Its release date is Friday March 20, 1998

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Blackmail, Cheerleader, Court Case, Eroticism, Florida, Rape, Sailboat, Sexual Abuse & Threesomes
Genre Drama, Mystery & Thriller
Country The United States
Director John McNaughton
Starring Denise Richards, Kevin Bacon, Matt Dillon & Neve Campbell
Place Miami
Written by Stephen Peters
Cinematography Jeffrey L. Kimball
Music George S. Clinton
Runtime 108 min

Other Drama movies by John McNaughton