Movies like Wind River to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Detective, Drama & Mystery movie Wind River with Elizabeth Olsen, Gil Birmingham, Jeremy Renner & Kelsey Asbille & created by Taylor Sheridan?

Movies like Wind River with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Wind River?

A veteran tracker with the Fish and Wildlife Service helps to investigate the murder of a young Native American woman, and uses the case as a means of seeking redemption for an earlier act of irresponsibility which ended in tragedy.

TAGLINE: "Nothing is harder to track than the truth."

Its release date is Thursday August 3, 2017

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Federal Bureau Of Investigation Fiction, Forest, Gun, Investigation, Mountain, Murder, Native American, Native Americans, Rape & Usa
Genre Crime, Detective, Drama & Mystery
Country The United States
Director Taylor Sheridan
Starring Elizabeth Olsen, Gil Birmingham, Jeremy Renner & Kelsey Asbille
Place Wyoming
Location Utah
Written by Taylor Sheridan
Cinematography Ben Richardson
Music *
Runtime 107 min

Other Crime movies written by Taylor Sheridan

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