Movies like Wonderstruck to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Wonderstruck with Julianne Moore, Michelle Williams, Millicent Simmonds & Oakes Fegley & created by Todd Haynes?

Movies like Wonderstruck with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Wonderstruck?

The story of a young boy in the Midwest is told simultaneously with a tale about a young girl in New York from fifty years ago as they both seek the same mysterious connection.

TAGLINE: "It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."

Its release date is Friday October 13, 2017

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic based on novel, Deaf People & Gay Director
Genre Drama
Country The United States
Director Todd Haynes
Starring Julianne Moore, Michelle Williams, Millicent Simmonds & Oakes Fegley
Place Hudson County, Manhattan, Minnesota & New Jersey
Time 1927 & 1977
Location New York City
Written by Brian Selznick (based on the book by) & Brian Selznick (screenplay by)
Cinematography Edward Lachman
Music Carter Burwell
Runtime 116 min

Other Drama movies by Todd Haynes

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Far from Heaven
7.4/10 | By Todd Haynes
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Carol | Nov 20th, 2015

7.2/10 | By Todd Haynes
The United States & United Kingdom | Drama & Romance
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Velvet Goldmine | Oct 23rd, 1998

Velvet Goldmine
7.0/10 | By Todd Haynes
United Kingdom | Drama & Music
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