Movies like Wrath of Man to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Crime & Thriller movie Wrath of Man with Alex Ferns, Eddie Marsan, Holt McCallany, Jason Statham, Josh Hartnett, Rocci Williams & Scott Eastwood & created by Guy Ritchie?

Movies like Wrath of Man with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Wrath of Man?

The plot follows H, a cold and mysterious character working at a cash truck company responsible for moving hundreds of millions of dollars around Los Angeles each week.

TAGLINE: "A one man army."

Its release date is Thursday April 22, 2021

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic American Revenge, British Revenge, Cash Truck, Crime Boss, Ex Soldier, Revenge, Robbery, Security Guard, Shootout, Theft, Trucks & Violence
Genre Action, Crime & Thriller
Country United Kingdom
Director Guy Ritchie
Starring Alex Ferns, Eddie Marsan, Holt McCallany, Jason Statham, Josh Hartnett, Rocci Williams & Scott Eastwood
Place Los Angeles
Location London & Los Angeles
Written by Éric Besnard, Guy Ritchie, Guy Ritchie (screenplay by), Ivan Atkinson (screenplay by), Ivan Atkinson (Writer), Marn Davies, Marn Davies (screenplay by), Marn Davies (Writer), Nicolas Boukhrief & Nicolas Boukhrief (motion picture "Le Convoyeur")
Runtime 119 min

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The Gentlemen | Jan 1st, 2020

The Gentlemen
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