Movies like You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger with Anthony Hopkins, Gemma Jones, Naomi Watts & Pauline Collins & created by Woody Allen?

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Sally's parents' marriage breaks up when her father undergoes a mid-life crisis and impulsively weds a prostitute. Meanwhile, Sally's own marriage also begins to disintegrate.
Its release date is Sunday May 23, 2010

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Genre Comedy, Drama & Romance
Country Spain & The United States
Director Woody Allen
Starring Anthony Hopkins, Gemma Jones, Naomi Watts & Pauline Collins
Location England
Written by Woody Allen
Cinematography Vilmos Zsigmond
Runtime 98 min

Other Comedy movies by Woody Allen

Cafe Society | May 11th, 2016

Cafe Society
6.6/10 | By Woody Allen
The United States | Comedy, Drama & Romance
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Celebrity | Sep 7th, 1998

6.3/10 | By Woody Allen
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Small Time Crooks | May 19th, 2000

Small Time Crooks
6.7/10 | By Woody Allen
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Other Comedy movies written by Woody Allen

Alice | Dec 25th, 1990

6.5/10 | By Tim Burton & Woody Allen
The United States | Comedy, Drama & Romance
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