Movies like Your Highness to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Your Highness with Danny McBride, James Franco, Natalie Portman & Zooey Deschanel & created by David Gordon Green?

Movies like Your Highness with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Your Highness?

When Prince Fabious's bride is kidnapped, he goes on a quest to rescue her... accompanied by his lazy useless brother Thadeous.

TAGLINE: "Get your quest on."

Its release date is Friday April 8, 2011

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Incest, Kidnapping, Knight, Minotaur, Prince, Princess, Rape, Revenge, Traitor, Virgin & Wizards
Genre Comedy
Country The United States
Director David Gordon Green
Starring Danny McBride, James Franco, Natalie Portman & Zooey Deschanel
Place Middle Ages
Location Northern Ireland
Written by Ben Best & Danny McBride
Cinematography Tim Orr
Music Steve Jablonsky
Runtime 102 min

Other Comedy movies by David Gordon Green

Our Brand Is Crisis | Sep 11th, 2015

Our Brand Is Crisis
6.1/10 | By David Gordon Green
The United States | Comedy & Drama
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The Sitter | Dec 9th, 2011

The Sitter
5.7/10 | By David Gordon Green
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Prince Avalanche | Feb 13th, 2013

Prince Avalanche
6.4/10 | By David Gordon Green
The United States | Comedy & Drama
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Playstation Tubi TV

Other Comedy movies written by Ben Best

Your Highness
N/A/10 | By David Gordon Green
Adventure, Comedy & Fantasy
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