Shows like Caliphate to stream online
What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Drama & War & Politics tv show Caliphate with Aliette Opheim, Amanda Sohrabi, Amed Bozan & Lancelot Ncube & created by Niklas Rockström & Wilhelm Berhman?
TV Series like Caliphate with the highest similarity score
Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Caliphate?
National Security agent Fatima receives a tip that a terrorist attack against Sweden is in the planning stage. Meanwhile Sulle, a teenage girl in Stockholm, gets interested in her student assistent who opens doors to a new and fascinating world - the true path. Kalifat is a thriller about the intermingled fates of five young women who get caught up in the seducing and destroying force of religious fundamentalism.
Its air date is Sunday January 12, 2020
Its air date is Sunday January 12, 2020
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Isis (daesh), Police, Sweden, Teenage Girl, Terrorism & Thriller |
Genre | Drama & War & Politics |
Creator | Niklas Rockström & Wilhelm Berhman |
Starring | Aliette Opheim, Amanda Sohrabi, Amed Bozan & Lancelot Ncube |
First Air date | 2020-01-12 |
Place | D.C. & Washington |
Runtime | 359 |