Shows like Code Black to stream online
What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Documentary & Drama tv show Code Black with Benjamin Hollingsworth, Harry M. Ford, Luis Guzmán, Marcia Gay Harden & Melanie Chandra & created by Michael Seitzman?
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Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Code Black?
A notorious trauma bay in an inner-city E.R. earns its keep as the 'hurt locker of medicine' as new, idealistic and adrenaline-seeking doctors train in an environment akin to a war zone. ...
Its air date is Wednesday September 30, 2015
A notorious trauma bay in an inner-city E.R. earns its keep as the 'hurt locker of medicine' as new, idealistic and adrenaline-seeking doctors train in an environment akin to a war zone. ...
Its air date is Wednesday September 30, 2015
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Doctor, Doctors & Hospitals, Emergency Room, Hospital, Medical Drama & Nurse |
Genre | Documentary & Drama |
Country | The United States |
Creator | Michael Seitzman |
Starring | Benjamin Hollingsworth, Harry M. Ford, Luis Guzmán, Marcia Gay Harden & Melanie Chandra |
First Air date | 2015-09-30 |
Place | Los Angeles |
Music | Clinton Shorter |
Runtime | 43 |