Shows like Criminal Code to stream online
What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Action & Adventure, Crime & Drama tv show Criminal Code with Guilherme Faria, Maeve Jinkings, Rômulo Braga & Thomas Aquino & created by Heitor Dhalia & Pedro Morelli?
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Follows the complex work of federal police officers in an unprecedented investigation that culminates in the beginning of a thread that unravels, like no other, the construction of crime in the country.
Its air date is Tuesday November 14, 2023
Follows the complex work of federal police officers in an unprecedented investigation that culminates in the beginning of a thread that unravels, like no other, the construction of crime in the country.
Its air date is Tuesday November 14, 2023
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Action & Adventure, Crime & Drama |
Creator | Heitor Dhalia & Pedro Morelli |
Starring | Guilherme Faria, Maeve Jinkings, Rômulo Braga & Thomas Aquino |
First Air date | 2023-11-14 |