Shows like Danni Lowinski to stream online

What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Romance tv show Danni Lowinski with Christopher Parren, Marlijn Weerdenburg, Nyncke Beekhuyzen & Sanne Vogel & created by Benedikt Gollhardt?

TV Series like Danni Lowinski with the highest similarity score

Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Danni Lowinski?

It's about Danni Lowinski who is a hairdresser. She is in need of money because she owns the state money so she decided to become a lawyer. She is a bit lowbrow and big mouthed. Her office ...
Its air date is Monday March 18, 2013

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Friendship, Judge, Lawyer, Love, Shopping Mall & Woman Lawyer
Genre Comedy, Drama & Romance
Creator Benedikt Gollhardt
Starring Christopher Parren, Marlijn Weerdenburg, Nyncke Beekhuyzen & Sanne Vogel
First Air date 2013-03-18
Place Cologne
Runtime 40