Shows like Dunaj, k vašim službám to stream online

What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Drama tv show Dunaj, k vašim službám with Kristína Svarinská, Lesana Krausková, Marek Rozkoš & Petra Dubayová?

TV Series like Dunaj, k vašim službám with the highest similarity score

Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Dunaj, k vašim službám?

The family saga of the owners of the Dunaj department store in Bratislava/Pressburg, which was opened together with the declaration of the fascist Slovak state in 1939.
Its air date is Tuesday January 10, 2023

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Genre Drama
Starring Kristína Svarinská, Lesana Krausková, Marek Rozkoš & Petra Dubayová
First Air date 2023-01-10