Shows like Every Witch Way to stream online

What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama, Family & Sci-Fi & Fantasy tv show Every Witch Way with Nick Merico, Paola Andino, Paris Smith & Rahart Adams & created by Catharina Ledeboer & Mariela Romero?

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A teenage girl deals with moving to a new town, growing up and falling in love, all while realizing that she's a witch.
Its air date is Wednesday January 1, 2014

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Topic High School, High School & High School Love, Magic, Magic Powers & Super Powers, Miami, Teen Witch, Teenage Romance, Teenager, Witch & Witchcraft
Genre Comedy, Drama, Family & Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Country The United States
Creator Catharina Ledeboer & Mariela Romero
Starring Nick Merico, Paola Andino, Paris Smith & Rahart Adams
First Air date 2014-01-01
Place Miami
Runtime 30