Shows like My Senior Brother is Too Steady to stream online

What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Animation tv show My Senior Brother is Too Steady with Bingtian Wang & Chaoran Yang & created by Yan Gui Zheng Zhuan?

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Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of My Senior Brother is Too Steady?

After being reborn in the ancient times before the Great God-Conferment War, Li Changshou becomes a minor cultivator. His only dream is to live a long life as a cultivator. In order to survive in the cruel Primordial Times, Li Changshou tries hard not to accumulate any karma—killing inevitably leads to feuds. Thus, he always plans thoroughly before doing anything and never allows himself to walk into dangerous situations. He hides his trump cards well, trains himself in escape techniques, refines poisonous pills, and masters his mystical abilities. Li Changshou originally plans to remain hidden and safe in the mountain. There, he is supposed to cultivate until he ascends to immortality. However, everything changed one year when his master seems to think that their lives are too peaceful. He takes in a junior sister…
Its air date is Thursday January 19, 2023

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Topic 3d Animation, Cultivation & Romance
Genre Animation
Creator Yan Gui Zheng Zhuan
Starring Bingtian Wang & Chaoran Yang
First Air date 2023-01-19
Runtime 20