Shows like Republic of Doyle to stream online
What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama tv show Republic of Doyle with Allan Hawco, Krystin Pellerin, Lynda Boyd, Mark O'Brien & Sean McGinley & created by Allan Hawco?
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Jake Doyle and his father Malachy run a private investigations agency in St. John's, Newfoundland. Their cases involve them in all sorts of dealings - not all of them on the right side of the law.
Its air date is Wednesday January 6, 2010
Its air date is Wednesday January 6, 2010
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Canada, Newfoundland, parent child relationship, Private Detective & Private Investigator |
Genre | Comedy & Drama |
Creator | Allan Hawco |
Starring | Allan Hawco, Krystin Pellerin, Lynda Boyd, Mark O'Brien & Sean McGinley |
First Air date | 2010-01-06 |
Place | Newfoundland Labrador |
Runtime | 44 |