Shows like Rubble & Crew to stream online

What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Animation & Kids tv show Rubble & Crew with Alberta Bolan, Alessandro Pugiotto, Luxton Handspiker & Shazdeh Kapadia & created by Bradley Zweig?

TV Series like Rubble & Crew with the highest similarity score

Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Rubble & Crew?

Follow Rubble and his pup family as they use their awesome construction vehicles to build and repair whatever the town of Builder Cove needs in high-stakes adventures.
Its air date is Friday February 3, 2023

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Construction Worker, Dog, Educational & Spin Off
Genre Animation & Kids
Creator Bradley Zweig
Starring Alberta Bolan, Alessandro Pugiotto, Luxton Handspiker & Shazdeh Kapadia
First Air date 2023-02-03
Runtime 12