Shows like The Watchful Eye to stream online
What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Drama & Mystery tv show The Watchful Eye with Amy Acker, Kelly Bishop, Mariel Molino & Warren Christie & created by Julie Durk?
TV Series like The Watchful Eye with the highest similarity score
Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of The Watchful Eye?
It is based on a young woman who is thrust into a world of old money and deadly secrets.
Its air date is Monday January 30, 2023
Its air date is Monday January 30, 2023
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Ghost, Haunted Apartment, Manhattan, Nanny, New York City, Ruby, Suicide, Suicide Jumping & Thriller |
Genre | Drama & Mystery |
Creator | Julie Durk |
Starring | Amy Acker, Kelly Bishop, Mariel Molino & Warren Christie |
First Air date | 2023-01-30 |