Watch Andromeda online

Can you stream the Action, Action & Adventure, Adventure, Drama & Sci-Fi & Fantasy tv show Andromeda, created by Gene Roddenberry & Robert Hewitt Wolfe & starring Gordon Michael Woolvett, Kevin Sorbo, Laura Bertram & Lisa Ryder on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Andromeda

Captain Hunt and the crew of the Starship Andromeda set out on a mission to rebuild the Systems Commonwealth 300 years after its fall.

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Its air date is Monday October 2, 2000

Production details

Creator Gene Roddenberry & Robert Hewitt Wolfe
Cast Gordon Michael Woolvett, Kevin Sorbo, Laura Bertram & Lisa Ryder
Genre Action, Action & Adventure, Adventure, Drama & Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Country of origin Canada
First Air date 2000-10-02
Theme Alien, Alternative Timeline, Androids, Artificial Intelligence, Black Hole, Intergalactic Travel, Military, Space, Space & Space Travel, Space Travel, Starship, Starships & War
Place setting Future
Music *
Runtime 45


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